What is Aigang?

Our goal is to create fully automated insurance for IoT devices and a platform for insurance innovation built around data, predictions, investors and community

To serve insurance to the end user we split our platform into 4 main parts:

In short

Platform goal is to create balanced Insurance products using this steps:

  • Data - data provider uploads his data for community for analysis and receive some insurance risk models.
  • Predictions market - gives opportunity to assess insurance risk

After these steps insurance product will be created. For this kind and for first time insurance product should be created manualy. In creation proces should be created product oracle for claims validations. After product creation these steps continues:

  • Pool - allows to paricipate into insurance product reserves pool.
  • Insurance - in this step insurance product is ready for users to start insure they devices.

Insurance product will have life cycles which at the end all left reserves will be distributed for reserve pool participants.