Insurance structure

Blockchain Part


The main contract will be Product contract which holds all insurance product properties, balance, list of policies and reference to the Premium calculator contract.

Policies contain all audit-able details about policy evaluation dates, premium, payout size, device details on policy writing date and all details about the payout.

Premium Calculator contract will hold a risk model with calculation formulas, base premium, fees and claim validation rules.

Platform Part

Platform API:

REST api service for other applications. Users can use to integrate with the platform. Addresses can be found at developers wiki page

Platform WEB:

Aigang team maintainable web interface working on top of REST API.

Background services:

Aigang.Policies.Listener service - helps to maintain policies. One of jobs example is - old draft poliecies are moved to status “Canceled” and finished to status “Finished”.

Aigang.Transactions.Listener service - helps to maintain blockchain transactions statuses. Example: when insurance product receives new policy payment transaction this service activate policy and submit it to the Blockchain.

General policy statuses:

  • Draft - initial policy status.
  • PendingPayment - policy payment was initialized.
  • Paid - payment was received and policy is active.
  • Finished - policy is ended.
  • Claimable - device was broken and user can take payout.
  • PendingPayout - payout is initialized.
  • Paidout - policy is ended and payout is send.
  • Canceled - for some reasons policy is canceled.